In the quiet town of McBee, Chesterfield County, a tense and heartbreaking situation recently unfolded that has left many feeling shaken. A man, identified as Alston Michael Modilin, allegedly shot a police officer and was involved in an incident that led to the tragic loss of a K9 officer. Modilin, just 27 years old, was known to reside in the West Florence community, but law enforcement officials said he wasn’t previously on their radar.
The drama began when McBee police officer Jarriel Wright, 41, stopped Modilin for speeding—driving 51 miles per hour in a 25 mph zone. It was supposed to be a simple traffic stop, but things quickly escalated. According to the McBee Police Chief, Tim Knight, Modilin fired at Officer Wright over 60 times during the encounter. Wright, though injured, is currently recovering at home, and thankfully, he is reportedly in good spirits.
The aftermath of the shooting led to a chilling chain of events. Lee County Sheriff Daniel Simon revealed that they received information about Modilin being seen driving on Una Road near the Darlington County line. Although they were prepared for a high-risk traffic stop, they didn’t anticipate a gunfight. As officers approached Modilin’s vehicle, they were met with a barrage of gunfire.
“As they got onto Una Road, they ran into live fire,” Simon explained. This dangerous exchange of fire resulted in one of the patrol SUVs being struck, which contained K9 Deputy Mikka. Tragically, the SUV caught fire, resulting in Mikka’s untimely death. This loss is particularly hard for the department, as Mikka was a beloved member of the team for four years and was named in honor of a deputy who lost his life to COVID-19 in 2020.
In the chaos, Mikka’s handler, Chief Deputy Chase Iseman, was grazed by a bullet but managed to return to work shortly after receiving treatment. The standoff continued and led to significant law enforcement presence near Ashland Stokes Bridge Road in Lee County. Community members reported seeing dozens of officers from various jurisdictions, including state and county law enforcement.
Eventually, Modilin was found dead at the scene, bringing a somber ending to a harrowing confrontation. The Lee County Coroner’s Office confirmed his death and announced that an autopsy would be performed shortly after. Described as a worker at a local plant, it appears that Modilin had no prior incidents at his job, making his actions even more perplexing to the community.
As the dust settles, the incident has reignited discussions on gun control, particularly concerning the use of assault-style rifles in violent situations. Sheriff Simon expressed his profound frustration, stating, “We talk about these guns every day. I’m a proponent of the Second Amendment, but everyone doesn’t deserve to have guns like these. It’s very senseless.” His words resonate deeply as the community mourns not only the loss of Mikka but also the realities of increased gun violence.
As investigations continue into this chilling incident, the community of Chesterfield County is left to heal and reflect. The bond between the townspeople and their law enforcement is often underscored by the bravery and dedication displayed by officers like Jarriel Wright and K9 Mikka. Together, they remind us of the challenges faced daily by those who put their lives on the line to keep our communities safe.
Stay tuned for further updates as more information becomes available. Our thoughts are with Officer Wright as he recovers and with all those affected by this heartbreaking situation.
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